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"INVESTING IN A BETTER FUTURE" is not an advertising metaphor for me. It is a firm and honest conviction and can be seen from over 40 years of company development. Our goals are formulated on this basis.


Whether in real estate, energy generation, infrastructure or healthcare, we focus on sustainability, resource conservation, energy efficiency and, above all, people. And in my experience, this is not a contradiction to the goal of achieving a good profit. Sustainable developments are not possible without profit. In our international projects today, we concentrate on emerging and developing countries, because that is where resource-conserving, profitable investments are most needed. I am proud that my family, the management team and the employees of the group of companies stand behind these goals and work with me to ensure their implementation and success."


Norbert Plambeck, company founder

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Plambeck Holding GmbH
Präsident-Herwig-Str. 27

27472 Cuxhaven

Tel.: +49 (0) 4721 - 6677 245

Fax: +49 (0) 4721 - 6677 150


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