Flughafen- Betriebsgesellschaft mbH


The economic region Cuxhaven lies in the western part of the metropolitan region of Hamburg and thus in the catchment area of the great North German aviation locations. Several suppliers and aviation-oriented service providers are located in the district of Cuxhaven. The location at the Unterelbe and Unterweser as well as the proximity to the seaports Cuxhaven and Bremerhaven offers special logistical advantages.


In addition to the airfreight area, business trip and island flight traffic round off the profile of the Sea-Airport. With a runway length of 2,439 m plus 2 x 275 overruns, large freight machines of Western and Russian design, such as the Antonov 124, can land and start at Sea-Airport Cuxhaven / Nordholz. Even for the night flight, a contingent of flight movements is available. Customs and federal police clearance can also be carried out on the ground.


On the initiative of Otto and Norbert Plambeck and the former Commodore of the Naval Airborne Squadron 3, Cuxhaven Nordholz, Wolfgang Müter, the airport company was founded in 1995 with the aim of a joint civilian use of the military airfield. Otto and Norbert Plambeck got further private partners as well as the district Cuxhaven, the city Cuxhaven and the local community Nordholz for this project.


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Plambeck Holding GmbH
Präsident-Herwig-Str. 27

27472 Cuxhaven

Tel.: +49 (0) 4721 - 6677 245

Fax: +49 (0) 4721 - 6677 150



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