renewable energies

Plambeck Emirates Global Renewable Energy LLC

Plambeck Emirates Global Renewable Energy LLC with its headquarter in Abu Dhabi is developing since 2011 successfully projects in the field of renewable energy, infrastructure, real estate, raw materials, waste management and recycling in the Arab, African, Asian and European region.


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Plambeck Neue Energien AG

Plambeck Neue Energien AG was founded by Plambeck Holding in 1995 and listed on the German stock exchange in Frankfurt as Plambeck Neue Energien AG in 1998. Today it operates under the name PNE AG and has been completely sold.


More than 2300 MW onshore and 2100 MW offshore have been developed and successfully realized to date. More than 2800 MW offshore are currently under development.


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SSP Technology A/S

SSP Technology A/S was founded in 2001 by Flemming Sørensen, Rune Schytt-Nielsen and Norbert Plambeck and is specialized in the design, development and optimization of rotor blades for wind turbines.


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Offshore and Maritime Industry Park Cuxhaven

Plambeck Holding developed in 2002 the idea of the offshore wind port of Cuxhaven and founded with the Rhenus Midgard AG the Wind Port Cuxhaven GmbH and designed a concept that has been successfully implemented in large part by many companies based in Cuxhaven.


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Windpark Serviceport Helgoland

Plambeck ContraCon GmbH Cuxhaven is represented with a branch on Helgoland since 1979. Plambeck provides its know-how and local capacities in the realization of the wind-farm-service-harbor Helgoland also. The Boots- und Schiffswerft Cuxhaven GmbH, as a member of the Plambeck Group, provides their rotor blade service from Helgoland aswell.


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Blade Service

The Boots- und Schiffswerft Cuxhaven GmbH, a company of Plambeck Holding, provides for many years their know-how in boat-building, especially in the composite technology and the steel construction in the service of molds for production of rotor blades of wind turbines very successfully.


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Biomass Powerplant Silbitz

Plambeck Neue Energien AG in Cuxhaven originated the first projected biomass CHP plant In Silbitz with an investment volume of around EUR 23 million in 2003.


The 27 MW power plant requires about 55,000 t/a fuel input for generating 5.6 MW gross electric power.


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Solar² AG

Solar² AG goes on 3 April 2006 to the stock exchange.


The share capital amounts to the IPO EUR 7.3 million.


The Solar² AG distributes and installs since 2001, solar systems - solar thermal energy (heat) and photovoltaic (electricity) from sunlight. More than 750 systems have been installed already.


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Plambeck Holding GmbH
Präsident-Herwig-Str. 27

27472 Cuxhaven

Tel.: +49 (0) 4721 - 6677 245

Fax: +49 (0) 4721 - 6677 150


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